
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Preventing your users from choosing obvious passwords

There are two kinds of obvious passwords:

1. Dictionary words or common acronyms
2. Names or phrases that are in common use within your organisation

Fortunately there are some simple ways to prevent users making poor choices:

1. Enforce password history. This prevents a password from being re-used.

# chsec -f /etc/security/user -s default -a  <setting>=<restriction>

histsize = 4
histexpire = 26
minage = 1
maxage = 52
maxexpired = 8

2. Set password pattern restrictions e.g. a password must have at least one capital letter or number

# chsec -f /etc/security/user -s default -a  <setting>=<restriction>

logintimes =
pwdwarntime = 5
loginretries = 5
minalpha = 2
minother = 2
minlen = 8
mindiff = 4
maxrepeats = 2

3. Use a custom dictionary to prevent the use of words that are in common use in your organisation or are so common as to be easily guessed:

Create a text fileor use the standard "/usr/share/dict/words" file and create a list of banned words or terms e.g.


Set the AIX default password restrictions to check these words when a user changes their password:

# chsec -f /etc/security/user -s default -a dictionlist=/usr/share/dict/words

Once the restrictions are in place the users are then prevented from choosing a word from this list:

$ passwd
Changing password for "test"
test's Old password:
test's New password: (the password entered is “test”)
3004-335 Passwords must not match words in the dictionary.

Friday, 29 August 2014

Running a server in Turbocore Mode

You can configure a model 780 or 795 server to run in TurboCore mode (rather than the standard MaxCore mode) in order to improve performance of processes that cannot take advantage of threading. In this mode up to half of the processor cores on each single-chip module (SCM) are disabled and their L3 cache is made available to the active processor cores on the chip, which provides a performance boost to the active cores.

The number of cores used in TurboCore mode is equal to the number of activated processors, but only up to a maximum of half the number of cores physically installed.

A server with 32 physical processor cores (14 activated), running in TurboCore mode. If you re-IPL the system and switch to MaxCore mode, you now have 14 processor cores running in MaxCore mode. The same is true if you switch from TurboCore to MaxCore mode.

If the server has an odd number of activated cores only half the number of physical cores will be available.

There are special rules that apply when ordering a 780 or 795 that is intended to be used in TurboCore mode. The server can be delivered ready configured in this mode.

The change applies to the entire server and not just an LPAR and is managed via the ASMI interface.

Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Analysing Java performance

A badly configured Java VM can affect the performance of your entire system.

The behaviour of the Java garbage collector can be an indication of configuration and performance problems, however in order to get this information you need to start your VM with some extra options:

Logging is activated with the "-verbose:gc" option and redirected to a file using the "-Xverbosegclog:< file >" option.

Verbose logging captures many types of GC events, including:

regular GC cycles
allocation failures
heap expansion and contraction
concurrent marking events
scavenger collections.

Verbose logs also show the approximate length of time many events take, the number of bytes processed (if applicable), and other relevant metrics.

For more information see the IBM Java performance page:

The Java Performance Advisor is an automated Java testing tool and can be downloaded from:!/wiki/Power%20Systems/page/Java%20Performance%20Advisor%20%28JPA%29

NISTIR 7966 (Draft). Security of Automated Access. Management Using Secure Shell.

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) has just published a draft version of their view on the correct way (best practices) to manage SSH keys:

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Mounting a Windows filesystem on AIX

A lot of people don't realise that there are two optional AIX filesets on the Expansion DVD that enable you to mount a CIFS filesystem on AIX:

bos.cifs_fs.rte           Runtime for SMBFS
bos.cifs_fs.smit        SMIT Interface for SMBFS

Once installed you have to reboot your server to activate the kernel extension.

You should now see that the mount command now accepts the "-v cifs" argument, and that smitty mount also has CIFS as a valid choice from the F4 popup.

# mount -v cifs -n laptop/Andrew/Password /Users /mnt
# df /mnt
Filesystem    512-blocks      Free %Used    Iused %Iused Mounted on
laptop:/Users 1916172280 967849240   50%        0     0% /mnt

# ls -l /mnt
total 5
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Aug 25 08:38 Andrew
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 May 27 09:20 Backup
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Aug 30 2013  Default
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Jun 04 09:57 Public
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     system        16384 Jan 29 2014  andre_000
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     system          174 Aug 22 2013  desktop.ini

See the mount manual page for more options.

If you have the "samba-client" fileset installed you can also see what your Windows machines are sharing e.g.

# smbclient -L //laptop -U Andrew
Enter Andrew's password: 
Domain=[LAPTOP] OS=[Windows 8.1 9600] Server=[Windows 8.1 6.3]

        Sharename       Type      Comment
        ---------       ----      -------
        ADMIN$          Disk      Remote Admin
        C$              Disk      Default share
        IPC$            IPC       Remote IPC
        print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
        Users           Disk
Domain=[LAPTOP] OS=[Windows 8.1 9600] Server=[Windows 8.1 6.3]

        Server               Comment
        ---------            -------

        Workgroup            Master
        ---------            -------

Monday, 25 August 2014

Managing you cron logs

Previous versions of AIX would keep writing to the same cronlog until either the disk filled, you restarted the process, or manually managed the file. AIX 6.1 introduced the "/etc/cronlog.conf" configuration file and it is now possible to automatically limit the size of the log file an to automatically rotate versions e.g.


Will write to "cron.log" and automatically rotate and compress it:

# ls -l /var/adm/cron.log*
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     cron          79986 Aug 25 14:00 /var/adm/cron.log
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     cron          15301 Aug 12 13:40 /var/adm/cron.log.0.Z
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     cron          15018 Aug 16 11:45 /var/adm/cron.log.1.Z
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     cron          14334 Aug 18 13:45 /var/adm/cron.log.2.Z
-rw-rw-r--    1 root     cron          14878 Aug 21 06:40 /var/adm/cron.log.3.Z

Sunday, 24 August 2014

AIX Introductory videos

Here are some nice short Youtube videos that give a nice gentle introduction to AIX:

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Check an RPM dependencies without having to install it

I have lost count of the number of times I have tried to install an RPM only to find that it has lots of dependencies and it takes a dozen or so attempts before I get to install it. If you use the "-qpR" flag you can actually see the contents of a package and its dependencies just by examining the RPM.

In this example you should only need to install "krb5-libs".

# rpm -qpR ./krb5-workstation-1.9.4-1.aix5.1.ppc.rpm
krb5-libs = 1.9.4-1

Remember to include a disclaimer in your herald

Many people forget to change the default "Welcome to AIX" login message, and message of the day and leave themseleves open to attackers claiming that they did not know this was a private system.

You should always change both the "/etc/security/login.cfg" and "/etc/motd" files because one is displayed before you login, and the other after you login.

# chsec -f /etc/security/login.cfg -s default -a herald="This is a private system\n\rLogin: "

If you are using Secure Shell:

1. create a login banner file.

# vi /etc/ssh/sshd-banner

2. Edit the sshd_config file.

# vi /etc/sshd/sshd_config

3. Add/edit the following line:

Banner /etc/ssh/sshd-banner
4. Restart the SSH daemon

# stopsrc -s sshd ; startsrc –s sshd

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

An interesting book?

I have just finished reading the book "The decline and fall of IBM an American Idol".

It gives a very interesting account of the way in which IBM has changed since the days of the Watson dynasty, and highlights many of the problems faced by it today. I have to say that whilst I do agree with much of what the author says, I think that the second half of the book, which is little more than a collection of anonymous email rants is a bit tedious.

For those of you with a Kindle or the program on your laptop or tablet, you can find it here:

Monday, 18 August 2014

A simpler alternative HMC management interface

This project provides a simpler alternative command-line and menu-driven interface for managing your HMC:

Sunday, 17 August 2014

An interesting alternative to DSH

ClusterSSH is a graphical cluster administration tool that runs from your Linux graphical desktop. Once you install the RPMs, share your pulic SSH keys, and define a cluster in "/etc/clusters", you can enter a command in the central console and it will be run siumultaneously on all the clients.

The software is a little quirky at present because you see all the terminals open on the desktop and the results appear on each screen as it is executed, however later versions may improve on this.

For more details and installation instructions see:

This utility could help act as an AIX to Linux migration aid?

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

Using Splitvg to make backups

If you need to backup a logical volume or volume group with the minimum amount of downtime the easiest way is to mirror it and then create a snapshot as follows:

mirrorvg [ -S | -s ] [ -Q ] [ -c copies] [ -m ] [ -p copyn=mirrorpool ] volumegroup [ physicalvolume ... ]

Now split off a copy of the mirror using the splitvg command

splitvg  [ -y SnapVGname ]  [ -c  Copy ] [ -f  ] [ -i ]  VGname
This splits a single mirror copy of a fully mirrored volume group into a snapshot volume group. The original volume group VGname will stop using the disks that are now part of the snapshot volume group SnapVGname.

This method can also be used to split-off copies of one or more logical-volumes.

Splitting copies of a logical volume

The splitlvcopy command splits copies from one logical volume and creates a new and separate logical volume from them. The general syntax of the splitlvcopy command is as follows:

splitlvcopy [ -f ] [ -y NewLogicalVolumeName ] [ -Y Prefix ] LogicalVolume
Copies [ PhysicalVolume ... ]

To split one copy of each logical partition belonging to the logical volume named
“oldlv” which currently has 3 copies of each logical partition, and create the logical volume “newlv”, use the splitlvcopy command as follows:

# splitlvcopy -y newlv oldlv 2

Each logical partition in the logical volume “oldlv” now has two physical partitions.
Each logical partition in the logical volume “newlv” now has one physical partition.

Mirroring is an LVM task that you perform only on logical volumes to migrate data. The following example shows how to create a mirror copy of a logical volume using the mklvcopy command:

# mklvcopy -e m -s y -k datalv 2 hdisk3 hdisk7
# splitlvcopy -y splitlv datalv 1

Importing a new Volume Group

Accidentally importing a disk that has a root volume group can have disasterous results on your AIX system because it renames the logical-volumes required to boot your system, therefore you should know something  about a disk or disks before you attempt to import them.

Here are some handy LVM commands that help you to see what is on a disk(s) without importing:

List the maximum number of logical volumes allowed in the VG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -N

Show the PP size ?
# lqueryvg -p PVname -s

Show the number of free PPs in the VG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -F

Show the current number of LVs in the VG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -n

List the current number of PVs in the VG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -c

Display the total number of VGDAs for the VG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -D

List each LVID, LV name, state for each logical volume
# lqueryvg -p PVname -l

List each PVID, number of VGDAs and state for each PV in the VG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -P

List all the attributes with tags for the vG
# lqueryvg -p PVname -At

Show a physical volume' VGID
# lqueryvg -p PVname -v

Move a physical partition
# lmigratepp -g VGID -p old_PVID -n old_PPNum -P new_PVID -N new_PPNum

Retrive the VG name for a particular LV from ODM
# getlvodm -b LVID

Retrive all configured PVs from ODM
# getlvodm -C

Retrive the major number for a VGID from ODM
# getlvodm -d VGID

Retrive the logical volume allocation characteristics for a LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -c LVID

Retrive the free configured PVs from ODM
# getlvodm -F

Retrive the strip size for a LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -F LVID

Retrive the PV name for a PVID from ODM
# getlvodm -g PVID

Retrive all VG names from the ODM
# getlvodm -h

Retrive the VGID for a PVID from ODM
# getlvodm -j PVID

Retrive the LVs and LVIDs for a VG name or VGID from ODM
# getlvodm -L VGDescriptor

Retrive the LVID/LV Name for a LV Name or LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -l LVDescriptor

Retrive the mount point for a LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -m LVID

Retrive the stripe width for a LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -N LVID

Retrive the PVID/PN name for a PV name or PVID from ODM
# getlvodm -p PVDesciptor

Retrive the PV names, PVIDs and VGs of all configured PVs from ODM
# getlvodm -P

Retrive the relocatable flag for a LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -r LVID

Retrive the VG state for a VG from ODM
# getlvodm -s VGDescriptor

Retrive the timestamp for a VG from ODM
# getlvodm -T VGDescriptor

Retrive the VG name for a VGID from ODM
# getlvodm -t VGID

Retrive the auto-on value for a VG name or VGID from ODM
# getlvodm -v VGDesciptor

Retrive the VGID for a vG name
# getlvodm -v VGDesciptor

Retrive the PV names and PVIDs for a VG from ODM
# getlvodm -w VGDesciptor

How to retrive the LV type for a LVID from ODM
# getlvodm -y LVID

How to retrive the concurrent capable flag for a VG from ODM
# getlvodm -X VGDescriptor

How to retrive the auto-on concurrent flag for a VG from ODM
# getlvodm -x VGDescriptor

Display the contents of LVCB
# getlvcb -A LVName

List the number of copies of a LV from LVCB
# getlvcb -c LVName

List the file system name of a LV from LVCB
# getlvcb -f LVName

List the label of a LV from LVCB
# getlvcb -L LVName
Display the type of the file system from LVCB
# getlvcb -t LVName

Display the upper limit from LVCB
# getlvcb -u LVName

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

AIX signals

Have you ever wondered what the kill signals do, well simply enter: kill -l for a list:

# kill -l
 1) HUP   14) ALRM     27) MSG       40) bad trap  53) bad trap
 2) INT   15) TERM     28) WINCH     41) bad trap  54) bad trap
 3) QUIT  16) URG      29) PWR       42) bad trap  55) bad trap
 4) ILL   17) STOP     30) USR1      43) bad trap  56) bad trap
 5) TRAP  18) TSTP     31) USR2      44) bad trap  57) bad trap
 6) LOST  19) CONT     32) PROF      45) bad trap  58) bad trap
 7) EMT   20) CHLD     33) DANGER    46) bad trap  59) bad trap
 8) FPE   21) TTIN     34) VTALRM    47) bad trap  60) GRANT
 9) KILL  22) TTOU     35) MIGRATE   48) bad trap  61) RETRACT
10) BUS   23) IO       36) PRE       49) bad trap  62) SOUND
11) SEGV  24) XCPU     37) bad trap  50) bad trap  63) SAK
12) SYS   25) XFSZ     38) bad trap  51) bad trap
13) PIPE  26) bad trap 39) bad trap  52) bad trap

AIX also has a killall command that any user can run to kill all of his or her processes. The syntax is:

# killall <-Signal>

To list all the signal actions defined for process 11928, enter:
 # procsig <Process>

HUP         caught
INT         caught
QUIT        caught
ILL         caught
TRAP        caught
ABRT        caught
EMT         caught
FPE         caught
KILL        default  RESTART
BUS         caught


To see the current working directory for a process:

# procwdx 88473628847362:        /home/root/

To display the current stack of process 11928, enter:

# procstack 11928
8847362: -ksh
0xd022da40  waitpid(??, ??, ??) + 0x1c0
0x1000945c  job_wait(??) + 0xfc
0x10029ef0  xec_switch(??, ??, ??, ??, ??) + 0x4d0
0x1002ba70  sh_exec(??, ??, ??) + 0x3f0
0x100016f8  exfile() + 0x498
0x100008ac  main(??, ??) + 0x58c
0x10000168  __start() + 0x68

Monday, 11 August 2014

Removing Sockets

If a client-server application hangs you may need to kill it and remove the connection before you can try again. In this case you also need to remove the hung socket, rather than waiting for it to time-out and CLOSE_WAITs will not go away unless you boot the system. They also consume lot of CPU and can cause the system to hang.

# netstat -Aan
shows you the partners of the session, the routing table is used to determine which adapter is to be used to get that packet across the network to the partner

Once you have the client and server addresses you can run: netstat -rn and see which route rule is taken. The entry to the left to the "IF" Column tells you which which adapter is being used.

Now from the rmsock you determined that the process of that established connection is a process call MTproc (could be anything) with a pid of nnnnn that has to use enI (from IF column) to send packet.

If there are no rules than the default applies

Assuming your server ip address is and the TCPCB address you used is something like
f1000e0001a413b8 tcp4 0 0 ESTABLISHED
# rmsock f1000e0001a413b8 tcpcb. Tels you the process is MTproc

Now check the "IF" column in the netstat -rn output and see which adapter is being used.

Next use the rmsock command to check who is holding the process.

# rmsock <addr of PCB> tcpcb

It can also checked as follows:

# netstat -Aan | grep 2100
f1000e0000da93b0 tcp4 0 0 *.* LISTEN
f1000e0000d9b600 udp4 0 0 *.*
f1000e000066e008 stream 0 0 0 f1000e0000662100 0 0

# rmsock f1000e0000da93b0 tcpcb

The socket 0xda9008 is being held by proccess 4653166

# ps -fp 4653166
user 4653166 1 0 05:41:12 pts/1 0:00 /MYAPPXXX

Killing this process should release the socket.